Filing queue and feedback

The filing queue is in the Outlook Folder Pane, it is found beneath your ‘subscribed to’ Matters in your DMSforLegal folder tree, as shown in the red box below.

The filing queue lists the files the user has attempted to move from or move to SharePoint. The filing queue provides feedback by letting the user know if files and messages have been saved or sent. There is a tab for Active Uploads, one for Failed Uploads, one for Tasks.

During the upload to your DMS, the Active uploads file will show the processing.

When a file has successfully uploaded, the SharePoint status indicates that filing was Successful. There will be a yellow stripe and the word “Filed” will appear in the email itself as well as a yellow category box to quickly identify the email as filed.

If the upload does not complete, it will show up in the Failed uploads file.

Failures may be due to:

  • Disconnection from the internet
  • File size too large
  • System shutdown before processing completed
  • Changed folder names during the filing process

Note: DMSforLegal will retry to file failed messages.

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