
Accessing MatterCenter

Within the browser based Office 365 environment users can make use of DMSforLegal through MatterCenter. To gain access to MatterCenter,...

Using MatterCenter

Once a user is signed in the DMS Portal of MatterCenter will open. The Portal consists of Matters a user...

Subscribing to and unsubscribing from matters in MatterCenter

A green pin on the right side of the matter indicates whether the user is subscribed to that specific matter....

Accessing matters in MatterCenter

By clicking on a matter users will be provided with 2 options: Open matter (1) edit matter details (2) like...

Create a new client in MatterCenter

Within MatterCenter users can create both matters and users. To create a new client, follow these steps: Click the hamburger...

Create a new matter in MatterCenter

To create a new matter within MatterCenter proceed with the following steps: Click the hamburger menu next to the DMSforLegal...

Working with files in MatterCenter

To open a file in one of the folders users simply click on the file name and the corresponding Online...