Unsubscribe from matters and users

  1. Select the matter or user to unsubscribe to from the DMSforLegal tree

  1. Right click on the matter / user you wish to unsubscribe to
  2. Select Unsubscribe matter / user

*Note: Subscribing and unsubscribing to projects / users, adds or deletes shortcut icons from the DMSforLegal tree. If projects are organized by client, menu select is Unsubscribe client, instead of Unsubscribe user.

When a user unsubscribes from a project under another user, that user will automatically be unsubscribed from the project as well. This can be a useful feature for support staff managing projects for other people.

In order to unsubscribe from multiple matters at the same time, follow these steps:

  1. Right click the My Matters node in the Outlook tree.
  2. Click Unsubscribe from matters…
  3. Select one or multiple matters to unsubscribe from and click OK.


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